Monday, September 2, 2013

The Art of Thinking Brilliantly

A close family friend of ours often likes to remind us, "Act enthusiastic and you will be enthusiastic!" The numerous times that he has repeated this phrase to our family and then our parents passing it down to my sister and I, I have lost count of. It is a good reminder. That does not mean to cover up what we are really feeling, but to simply act positive about whatever situation you find yourself in. 
      I call this post, "The Art Of Thinking Brilliantly," after a sermon that I never grow tired of hearing by Graham Cooke. Graham Cooke is my favorite preacher and before I leave for my DTS in Washington, I will most likely be listening to him every week. I would like to challenge and encourage you as you read some key points that I heard from this sermon to take time to listen to it on your own. This is all about what to do when we may feel frustrated, overwhelmed and anxious, by whatever present situation we find ourselves in. I will be quoting Graham Cooke a lot, but I dare you after you read this post to check out, "The Art Of Thinking Brilliantly," by Graham Cooke. (Its a fairly long sermon that will come in part 1, 2....). 
         "Don't concentrate on faith. Concentrate on being loved." -Graham Cooke. This was probably the biggest statement of truth that he spoke to me as I sat in my room folding clothes and taking this in. We can put all of our effort into, yes Lord I believe, I believe help my unbelief! This is a great truth to cling to as a part of our faith life, but more important if not most important we need to cling to the truth of, wow God You love me? You love me because you love me because you love me? You sent Your only Son to die on the cross for me a death that I should have died? When we concentrate less on putting effort into faith and more on the fact that we are loved for free we can get excited about grace and intrigued about what God is doing in our lives. 
    "Let's be curious and intrigued! Happy when a problem comes! Your starting point when you face a problem guarantees your outcome." -Graham Cook. When I think about my future and the adventure that lies ahead for me at Washington I can choose to be 1) Frustrated because Idaho did not work out and who knows when, if ever I could go to my dream that God has put on my heart of going to India or 2) Wahoo I've got a trial! Jesus is so majestic and wonderful, this is the starting point of my thinking of my trial, so we won't just wait for the outcome of my trial to be victorious. Right now as this trial does it's work in me I can think, "I am victorious, because Jesus is victorious for me." This is thinking brilliantly. 
          I hope that I have intrigued you and encouraged you to not just listen to my words or Graham Cooke's words, but listen to what God has put on your heart. Ask Him, "What outcome has been assigned to me in the situations I'm facing?" This is a constant tug at my heart that I am everyday learning to answer. I am not perfect and neither is Graham Cooke, but Jesus is. This is crucial for us to remember as we listen to different preachers and read different blogs. I want to end with this quote, "Be kind for everyone you know is fighting their own battle." -Ian Macleran. I hope this quote encourages and reminds you that you are not alone in whatever trial you are facing. When we hear this next verse and we hear brothers and sisters it makes me feel comforted as I am reminded that when we are vulnerable with each other in whatever we are going through we are able to endure the trial with joy.  "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4. 

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