Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Story I Wrote Yesterday

She began her journey with great expectation. Taking both seriously and lightheartedly the adventure that lay before her. She knew its risks and laughed without fear of the future. Knowing and resting in the truth that besides having a great God by her side she also had loved ones and a close knit community waiting back at home for her. So, taking a deep breath praying a quick prayer she stepped one foot onto the plane and then the other. There was no turning back now. She was headed straight for Washington. As she leaned back in her seat, she might've murmured out loud, "Let the adventure begin," She was both independent and weak, strong, but wanting to be loved. Looking forward to enjoying her favorite season, fall in a place that seemed to be unfamiliar to say the least and yet so inviting-so what she needed and what her soul craved. It was time to go. The second comfort besides her God that she could cling to was knowing that the smell of fall was coming, you know that crispness in the air. She hoped that these people to whom she was traveling too, knew how to make a good pumpkin pie. 
    Please keep me in your prayers as I at last begin my great adventure tomorrow, heading to Washington. Peace to you readers, I look forward to writing more about what life is like on the west coast by the sea. 

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