Thursday, August 29, 2013

Taken Care Of

"Taken care of." Our minds and our souls can go many places when we here that phrase. Sometimes we might be jealous of those who we feel are being more taken care of than ourselves, other times we might be overwhelmed at the sense of peace that people are offering us by sincerely reaching out and offering us true care. Over the last few days I have felt very anxious about my future. As many of my readers know, I have had YWAM Idaho and the country India planted on my heart since I was young. However, as many of us have heard the phrase, "We plan, God laughs," this is pretty much where I am now. God always has a better plan, and while I like to think of myself as a planner and organizer, He has always got something better in mind.
     A few days ago, I got a notification on my phone about an e-mail from one of the staff in Idaho, explaining that we had a problem at our DTS and,  due to only three attendees, we might have to cancel. DTS stands for Discipleship Training School, so before we would head to our outreach in India we have the first three months of lecture phase to teach, deepen and prepare us in Idaho. Now a new decision has been made and they are no longer offering a DTS this fall at the Cascade, ID base. You, reader can imagine my disappointment, my sleepless nights and crying out to God wondering what my next step is. "Taken care of, "... let's put that phrase on the shelf and come back to it in a little bit. 
         One of the staff at  Idaho recommended a place in Port Townsend, Washington. Marty, a director from Idaho base will even be going there to speak for a week. Once we confirmed that the  was indeed cancelled, my mom and I called the number fro Taken care of. This is exactly how I felt after the phone call with Allen from Discovery Bay. With his Australian accent he counciled me, "Amelia, this adventure is really about you going deeper in your relationship with Christ. That is the most important aspect of this entire experience." . I couldn't help, but think, wow God, really? What do you have in store for me there? I thought that this whole adventure was about India?  Taken care of. 
      Through this long season of waiting and trusting God I am so grateful for all of your prayers as supporters not only financially, but being there and praying for me, spending time with me and encouraging me. I have no doubt that Washington is now where I am called to be and who knows, I may be going to India yet, and on God's timeline (and I may adopt a few kids)! During this season of waiting to start in September I am trying to remember that God doesn't simply want us to cope through the hard times, He wants us to GROW through them. I am learning and trusting daily to be thankful during this waiting time, excited to receive this acceptance packet and looking forward to connecting with the other 9 people who will be joining me on this adventure. Thank you to those of you who are reading this and are supporters in my life, please keep me in your prayers and don't be afraid to ask me any questions regarding this new transition. Remember, dear reader, we are all taken care of. 

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