Monday, September 16, 2013

Why Are We So Afraid?

Why are we so afraid? Afraid of what, you may be wondering. Some of my small fears consist of spiders, mice, getting through security in airports and first impressions when meeting someone new. I think my biggest fear is the fear of vulnerability, I don't know what your biggest fear may be, but lately I've been challenged in my prayer life and in conversations about the powerful tool of vulnerability.
          I have many fears when it comes to leaving for this trip. My biggest fear is probably wondering if anyone will really understand me and get me for who I really am. As I rode home with a friend this weekend after hanging out for a while and explaining this fear to her she told me to not be afraid and to be vulnerable. This does not mean to simply share all my weaknesses and fears with everyone right when I get there, it could mean opening up and sharing my testimony if the opportunity arises. Don't hold on to your fears, release them. Jesus says He desires our minds to be filled with life and the peace of the spirit.
     I want to encourage you today to tell Him that you release your thoughts to Him and ask Him to put those people in your life who you can be vulnerable with even when you might feel so afraid. I found this to be incredibly true for me when I was able to share with a friend my testimony and instead of feeling fear and anxiety afterwards I felt an unearthly sense of joy and peace. It may look much different for you depending on your circumstance or who you are surrounded by, but I simply encourage you to release your thoughts and fears to Him and ask Him for that mind filled with life and peace. "But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace." Romans 8:6

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