Saturday, September 28, 2013


Saturday's are our days off! The days pass by slowly, yet quickly with our daily schedules. So, when we went into town yesterday to do a prayer walk around Port Townsend, I was praying for the town with my companions, and at the same time I was thinking that I could not wait to simply explore the town. So today, all of us girls decided that it was our time to explore the town while the guys wanted to stay on base and watch the football game. 
       Walking into a coffee shop this morning that overlooked the ocean, I knew I could start my mornings there writing or having quiet time overlooking the sea. We then stopped into a store to look around and take pictures in a photo booth. The man working there called me, "Tinkerbell," it made my friends and I laugh as I sat on one of their laps and us girls all tried to cuddle into the little booth. Whether it was the bookstore where we could hear the ocean waves behind us, or trying the pumpkin ice cream my heart is 100% in Port Townsend, Washington. It's not just the good places to eat or the fun shops that really make me smile it's knowing that through our prayers we believe that our God can change this town into a place where the locals can rest in the joy of the Lord as their strength. 
     Last night, a few of us went for a walk down by the sea across from our base. It was breathtaking to watch for the first time in my life a lighthouse reflect it's bright light over the water and the mist slowly rise up as well. We laughed together, exchanged flowers, and a couple of them refused to tell us their middle names. Through all this time being here, I have been able to take a deep breath as I rest in Jesus fully, knowing that this is exactly where He wants me to be, knowing more of His love and growing deeper with Him. 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Boiler Room: Creepily Beautiful

The Boiler Room is a coffee shop nestled in between two stores in the middle of Port Townsend. On our first real day of getting to know each other here, we went on a scavenger hunt around town and one of the things we had to find was the Boiler Room. One of us students was supposed to strike up a conversation with anyone in the coffee shop. Originally, I was the one who was supposed to go in and ask someone a question, but when I walked in, I was so disturbed at the weirdness of humanity gathered there that I asked another friend in our group to start the conversation.  Later, during worship that night on campus I had an amazing encounter with the Lord and I felt like He was calling me to go back to the Boiler Room and speak truth into that place. 
           Let me back up a little bit. The Boiler Room is also known as a place where they try to get kids off the streets of Port Townsend. I walked in and there was a twenty something young man just lying on the couch and playing guitar while another guy was playing some type of card game with someone else. They have open karoke night as well as some other things to try and engage with the youth that need help there. Some Friday when we go back into town and do outreach again into town, I am praying that I won't be so scared to talk to the youth there that are so desperate for the real truth. 
     I call this post the Boiling Room, Creepily Beautiful because I believe that despite the creepiness of that coffee shop with the troubled youth, God has a plan to make that place into something beautiful. I dare you to find a place where you are right now that might not be entirely like the Boiler Room, but a place where you feel maybe even uncomfortable to speak truth into those peoples lives. I encourage you reader, to know that you have been brought to wherever you are for such a time as this.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Story I Wrote Yesterday

She began her journey with great expectation. Taking both seriously and lightheartedly the adventure that lay before her. She knew its risks and laughed without fear of the future. Knowing and resting in the truth that besides having a great God by her side she also had loved ones and a close knit community waiting back at home for her. So, taking a deep breath praying a quick prayer she stepped one foot onto the plane and then the other. There was no turning back now. She was headed straight for Washington. As she leaned back in her seat, she might've murmured out loud, "Let the adventure begin," She was both independent and weak, strong, but wanting to be loved. Looking forward to enjoying her favorite season, fall in a place that seemed to be unfamiliar to say the least and yet so inviting-so what she needed and what her soul craved. It was time to go. The second comfort besides her God that she could cling to was knowing that the smell of fall was coming, you know that crispness in the air. She hoped that these people to whom she was traveling too, knew how to make a good pumpkin pie. 
    Please keep me in your prayers as I at last begin my great adventure tomorrow, heading to Washington. Peace to you readers, I look forward to writing more about what life is like on the west coast by the sea. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Why Are We So Afraid?

Why are we so afraid? Afraid of what, you may be wondering. Some of my small fears consist of spiders, mice, getting through security in airports and first impressions when meeting someone new. I think my biggest fear is the fear of vulnerability, I don't know what your biggest fear may be, but lately I've been challenged in my prayer life and in conversations about the powerful tool of vulnerability.
          I have many fears when it comes to leaving for this trip. My biggest fear is probably wondering if anyone will really understand me and get me for who I really am. As I rode home with a friend this weekend after hanging out for a while and explaining this fear to her she told me to not be afraid and to be vulnerable. This does not mean to simply share all my weaknesses and fears with everyone right when I get there, it could mean opening up and sharing my testimony if the opportunity arises. Don't hold on to your fears, release them. Jesus says He desires our minds to be filled with life and the peace of the spirit.
     I want to encourage you today to tell Him that you release your thoughts to Him and ask Him to put those people in your life who you can be vulnerable with even when you might feel so afraid. I found this to be incredibly true for me when I was able to share with a friend my testimony and instead of feeling fear and anxiety afterwards I felt an unearthly sense of joy and peace. It may look much different for you depending on your circumstance or who you are surrounded by, but I simply encourage you to release your thoughts and fears to Him and ask Him for that mind filled with life and peace. "But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace." Romans 8:6

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


It's rare when I actually recognize a blessing for what it's worth. Usually, it takes me at least a week or two to see it and then I am in awe at what took place. This will be my last week at home before I head for Washington next week and I'd like to name a few blessings for you readers that have caught me by surprise on these last few days at home. 
      Minnesota will always be home, I have many certain spots of this state that are both near and dear to my heart. One of them being the Shoreview YMCA, where I work at a daycare. I have both loved and found it challenging working there. I've been challenged by it when the baby I'm holding is screaming in my ears and just wants to be held by their mommy, and I am grateful for the co-workers who I clean up with, do puzzles and talk about life with when we are waiting for the next group of kids to check into the room. I am grateful for this job and for the life skills that I didn't even realize that I was developing until I looked back and thought, "Wow I really did get that baby to stop crying and I was able to sit and play Candy Land with those two adorable little boys!" I miss this job already and look forward to working there again when I return from Washington and my outreach.
       I have had the amazing blessing of friends. Last weekend I went to an event called the "Awakening," a student led worship event at Concordia Academy high school. It was an extended Awakening which meant that there was pizza, we played sardines, and were there until 11 p.m. worshiping the Lord. I laugh so hard when I am around a few of my good friends, one of whom I got to know better and am so glad I did. I loved looking around and seeing how diverse the student body and those of us graduates who returned are from one another. I loved taking a deep breath and watching the underclassmen worship, in awe of their smiles, sometimes occasional tears, and deep affection for the Lord. 
          To my Minnesota friends, I will always be grateful for the good times that have happened and the few more times that we'll be having together before I leave next week. I'm so grateful for those of you who have taken time out of your day to spend time with me. Whether it's been going to the Tea Garden, paddle boarding, hanging out at my house or going to the Awakening I am so happy to look back on the memories that I have made with each of you. I hope to have one of my next posts be written about my first few days  in Washington and how I am adjusting to this new chapter in my life. Whether it's the time zone, making new friends or who our speaker is for the first week I hope to keep you all informed about this next chapter. Thank you supporters, friends and family for all that you have done in my life. There will be 12 of us going on this adventure (interesting number, huh?), please pray for good chemistry for our team that we would love each other laugh together and cry together. I also ask that you would continue to also pray for open hearts for all of us in regards to what God is going to do in each of our lives over the next 6 months, and that we would be receptive to all of the teaching and have great expectations as to what God is going to do during our outreach phase as well. To close, I want to share with you a verse that made me smile as I thought about God carrying me, Isaiah 46:3-10, "Listen to me descendants of Jacob, all you who remain in Israel. I have cared for you since you were born. Yes, I carried you before you were born. I will be your God throughout your lifetime-until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you, To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal? Some people pour out their silver and gold and hire a craftsman to make a god from it. Then they bow down and worship it! They carry it around on their shoulders and when they set it down, it stays there. It can't even move! And when someone prays to it, there is no answer. It can't rescue anyone from trouble. Do not forget this! Keep it in mind! Remember the things I have done in the past. For I alone am God! Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to past, for I do whatever I wish."

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Art of Thinking Brilliantly

A close family friend of ours often likes to remind us, "Act enthusiastic and you will be enthusiastic!" The numerous times that he has repeated this phrase to our family and then our parents passing it down to my sister and I, I have lost count of. It is a good reminder. That does not mean to cover up what we are really feeling, but to simply act positive about whatever situation you find yourself in. 
      I call this post, "The Art Of Thinking Brilliantly," after a sermon that I never grow tired of hearing by Graham Cooke. Graham Cooke is my favorite preacher and before I leave for my DTS in Washington, I will most likely be listening to him every week. I would like to challenge and encourage you as you read some key points that I heard from this sermon to take time to listen to it on your own. This is all about what to do when we may feel frustrated, overwhelmed and anxious, by whatever present situation we find ourselves in. I will be quoting Graham Cooke a lot, but I dare you after you read this post to check out, "The Art Of Thinking Brilliantly," by Graham Cooke. (Its a fairly long sermon that will come in part 1, 2....). 
         "Don't concentrate on faith. Concentrate on being loved." -Graham Cooke. This was probably the biggest statement of truth that he spoke to me as I sat in my room folding clothes and taking this in. We can put all of our effort into, yes Lord I believe, I believe help my unbelief! This is a great truth to cling to as a part of our faith life, but more important if not most important we need to cling to the truth of, wow God You love me? You love me because you love me because you love me? You sent Your only Son to die on the cross for me a death that I should have died? When we concentrate less on putting effort into faith and more on the fact that we are loved for free we can get excited about grace and intrigued about what God is doing in our lives. 
    "Let's be curious and intrigued! Happy when a problem comes! Your starting point when you face a problem guarantees your outcome." -Graham Cook. When I think about my future and the adventure that lies ahead for me at Washington I can choose to be 1) Frustrated because Idaho did not work out and who knows when, if ever I could go to my dream that God has put on my heart of going to India or 2) Wahoo I've got a trial! Jesus is so majestic and wonderful, this is the starting point of my thinking of my trial, so we won't just wait for the outcome of my trial to be victorious. Right now as this trial does it's work in me I can think, "I am victorious, because Jesus is victorious for me." This is thinking brilliantly. 
          I hope that I have intrigued you and encouraged you to not just listen to my words or Graham Cooke's words, but listen to what God has put on your heart. Ask Him, "What outcome has been assigned to me in the situations I'm facing?" This is a constant tug at my heart that I am everyday learning to answer. I am not perfect and neither is Graham Cooke, but Jesus is. This is crucial for us to remember as we listen to different preachers and read different blogs. I want to end with this quote, "Be kind for everyone you know is fighting their own battle." -Ian Macleran. I hope this quote encourages and reminds you that you are not alone in whatever trial you are facing. When we hear this next verse and we hear brothers and sisters it makes me feel comforted as I am reminded that when we are vulnerable with each other in whatever we are going through we are able to endure the trial with joy.  "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4.