Saturday, March 7, 2015

Why Go?

The question you are all wondering, or maybe the question that hopefully gets answered, when your able to sit and talk with me face to face, about what happens when you are on the field. One of the many things that really stuck out to me about why I choose to go on the field was when I was on the border of India, by Nepal. We had attended our last church service and had, had an inspiring message by a lady from Nepal. She talked about how we usually don't like broken things, but how that is exactly what God's heart is for, broken people, restoring the messes we made. Later, after the service she asked our group what we were doing there. When we explained to her why we were there she was very impressed and I will never forget her response, "You don't see a lot of young people on the field. Usually, because parents don't like to see their children suffer and fear them going out to places like this." Why are we so afraid of suffering? There are so many different ways of suffering, but in the sense when you are living on the field suffering, may simply just look like living without the comforts you are used too at home on a daily basis, quite honestly that tends to be one of the hardest part for me. I mean, if you are willing to share a bed with two extra people and live in a boys home where  boys are orphaned and need that mother touch you would be willing to give up that extra space of sleep so you can live there a week wouldn't you? Or maybe the pastor who you are serving has had a difficult time with teams in the past, but because he has invited you all to his New Year's party you eat the food, (although you are eating with your right hand and don't always know exactly what it is you are putting in your mouth), but because your team is interacting, literally your hands are being touched by these people that are so desperate for prayer, the pastor now has a renewed heart because you have given up the comfort of talking to your own people and stepped out in faith. Despite the language barriers and different skin color you have decided to pray, dance and eat with these people. Is it really that simple? You bet. If all we are afraid of is giving up that extra space, or deciding to go mingle with people of a different race than can you imagine the difference you can make right where you are by giving up the simple things, to help impact the kingdom of God?!!! 

This is why I've chosen to go. Its why I still choose to go right where I am. I choose to go to musical practices and love on the high schoolers. Getting to hear their hearts for the orphans and encourage them right where they are at. I choose to go to whatever field God calls me to, because I know that dying to self, giving up my own rights can break barriers into different cultures and possibly even welcome more teams in to stay and serve with a pastor who had not had the best impression of teams in the past. This is the choice we can make today. Right where you are. It doesn't always mean flying to India, it most certainly can, but I know for a fact that just yesterday, by my choosing to go to a simple musical practice, I was so blessed to feel a part of a crowd again and get loved on, while also loving others. The simple choice to go and possibly giving up of your own rights to your own comfort zones can make a difference right where you are. Do it now. Do it today and don't waste a second. Going is crucial, but so is the rest we must find in God. Half the time I am having to say no to these invitations, simply because I need the rest after the intense last 6 months, I have had of helping lead a team. I don't have one single regret in how I chose to go and I'm not having a single regret of when I say, "I need to rest, so that I can have the rest of God." My friends, family, everyone, the best place to minister is out of a place of rest. Both choices will influence how we choose to go. The choice is yours and I hope these next few blog posts, don't discourage or pressure you, my heart is always to build up and to share stories of how I've witnessed miracles by simple small acts of love. These usually, quite simply begin by choosing to step outside of our comfort zones, that end up breaking barriers for the kingdom of God. 

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