Thursday, March 6, 2014

Stepping in the Gap

"Do you need help?"
     I ask, as the little boy has finished washing his hands and is having a bit of trouble opening the door by himself, because it is a heavy bathroom door to be able to open and close for a boy his size. 
     I help push it open for him and he walks out. About halfway in the bathroom, I see more clearly how he also is helping push the door open. I look into his big blue eyes and say, "You are strong!"
     His face lights up and he says nothing, but there is a confidence in his walk as he goes back to the classroom. 
    Soon, we are on our way to the gym and I am in the back of the line holding a little girl's hand. I reach to open the door to the gym and then almost out of nowhere, as I now look back at it, the same boy whose strength I encouraged, rushes up to the door and looking up into my eyes proclaims, "I am strong! I can hold it!"
     I smile widely and in gratitude reply, "Yes you can!" Together, we hold open the door, for the rest of us filing in, in the back of the line. 

This happened to me today at the daycare I work at and isn't this how it was meant to be? We have the voice of God on our lips that can encourage and help people on the other side of the door. They might not see it right away as we try to push the door open for them, they might try to help push it too, because the door will be too heavy for them to open by themselves, but although it may seem small or not a big deal, the impact of the words that come out of our mouth daily are intensely powerful! So, who are you stepping in the gap for? I feel such a strong tug on my heart towards discipleship. I do not want a every once and a while meeting to get the label for mentoring. I want a daily fulfilled lifestyle of speaking out that truth to the other person behind the door who is pushing, but might not be able to see their own strength right away. 

As I came to this conclusion while journaling I almost laughed out loud at how simple this truth was, "I can eternally trust God through any trial, is the joy of the Lord as my strength." The is might not make sense to you, but it really clicked for me. For it is through trust and walking forth in that ability when the storms come, that our true selves are tested and it is up to us to help push that door fully open. The joy of the Lord will then become our focus and thus, the ultimate One who really helps push open each and every door of our life. 

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