Saturday, March 1, 2014

Set Free to Dance

After a crazy day yesterday, at last I could sit down and take in a deep breath and relax in a calm atmosphere at a coffee shop. After a few different conversations between my best friend and I about where to meet and apologies back and forth because we were both late as usual, finally, we were together with kids from the high school we used to go to and relaxed listening to good music.

We stayed for about an hour at this coffee shop and then left to go Ballroom dancing in Minneapolis. After almost turning around once because we thought we were lost, we finally made it and I walked in a little freaked out, not having any idea what to expect, I had never been ballroom dancing before! "Its ok we are all really bad!" My friend reassured me as I met a couple of her friends and we got to have fun and laugh together. By the end of the night I was told by our new Italian friend, who we met there that I was like an energetic magnet! Apparently I was always ready to dance!  I got special attention since I was just learning and was consistently told to be calm and relax, face my partner and I would try not to step on their feet as I learned these fast new steps to a cha, cha, cha or tango, oh my goodness it was so much fun! As I had my quiet time this morning and thought about last night and the new memories I get to make as I really feel settled in again, I thought about how Jesus wants to have our, 'Special Attention,'  as I was just learning these new dances last night. I got a lot of grace and patience as I laughed and slowly learned these graceful steps.  Jesus tells us, "Now look at me and face forward..." just as I would learn to do last night I'm trying to put into practice, without looking to the right or to the left what Jesus is trying to tell me to do. "Now look at me and face forward, this is a slow dance, relax into it." So He wants to tell us even in the storms of life. That our trust in Him, would be such a constant abiding that we would be an example to others because we are choosing to face forward to Christ. Even in the storms of life they can also be a slow dance because we know we can dance in the trust of steps to who our partner is. 

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