Sunday, June 14, 2015

My early birthday presents

As its been awhile since I've written anything, what's really on my mind is this turning point, I've felt, since a week and a half trip up to my grandparents. Maybe its because I'm getting older or who really knows what, but as I get more hands off with what I want as gifts from family and friends, the last few days have been a special reminder to me of the gift of time and the value each person carries of who they are. Saturday and last Thursday, were two days that I got to slow down and really enjoy the gifts God has given me that come without any cost. One of my favorite things of summertime is seeing people who I don't usually get to see and the spontaneity that summer can bring. Thursday, besides being awesomely productive in the morning, I was able to reconnect with two of my neighbor friends who I'd grown up with shooting baskets, talking about flashlight tag and then amidst all the fun and excitement of catching up outside, we'd realized that the dog had run away, so the next few minutes was an adventure of trying to find their dog, much to our relief she was found within the next 10 minutes or so. "The chaos doesn't end 'til the chaos is over!" Exclaimed one of our close friends this past Saturday, as we all sat around after getting our hands messy with the yummy goodness of a shrimp boil, the blessing of prayer for those moving on and putting our feet up to speak out good memories and laugh together. As I was telling a friend yesterday, I actually feel like this birthday, will make me feel older. I'm no longer a teenager and I am ready for my 20's! As I get even more hands off with the costly things and cling more tightly to those who I can see only rare and far between, I'm realizing that the greatest gift for me right now is the gift of time that others give. The new memories we can make together and the importance of living a good story. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty excited to feel spoiled, blessed and eat too much cake, but more than anything this past year has taught me how valuable people really are. The importance of being hands off comes with a greater desire to hug, build up and love on those who truly love you back. Cheers to another year of, clinging to my loved ones, being hands off of the costly things and holding more tightly to that which is free and laughing without fear of the future. 

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