Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Maybe I'm just Getting Used to It

Four steps of culture shock are something that travelers, missionaries and anybody can go through when they return from a big event in their lives. Yesterday, as many of you have seen liked and commented on the picture that announces my college acceptance, I found myself repeating this phrase at least four times during dinner it went something like this, "Maybe I'm just getting used to it..." When your transitioning, returning, entering into a new chapter or all of the above, there is a lot to readjust to. I'd like to list off four stages of culture shock, they can happen both when your in another country and when you are returning:
1. Honeymoon-can last the whole trip, enjoying it
2. Hate it, everything
3. Everything's funny
4. Everything's normal-like being home.
I think I've finally made it to number four, since being back, but I've gone through all 4, both at home as well as on the field. After reading a missionary's blog titled, "Rocky Re-entry," I loved a post she wrote regarding the gift of time. I found what I'd been missing this season. It comes down to one word. Gratitude. So simple, so easy, so often missed. Time is precious, time is a gift and is the most valuable lesson I've learned. Thanking God for every moment, thanking Him for the time I got to go to the country of my dreams, thanking Him that I've been accepted to college and thanking Him on the days where I ache for my friends on the West Coast. I don't remember which team leader on my last trip asked this question, but as I look back on my notes from one of our team meetings it hits me, "What is God already doing, that hasn't been done?" *Focus on Lordship, Jesus is the only Lord. Duh, right? Not so duh, when you are in another country that keeps idols all over their homes right next to a picture of Jesus. When your excited about going to an Arts and Crafts store, literally titled that and it ends up being an idol shop. When the lordship of Jesus becomes our focus and we turn our eyes to what work hasn't been completed example, unreached people groups worshiping false idols, co-workers not knowing the love of Jesus or lonely people simply in need of a friend...gratitude for what He's done for us un-clutters what demands our attention. The lyrics of a song ring in my head, as I approach this new day in full gratitude. I might not be walking the dirty streets of Kolkata or in a Bermese refugee village, gratitude is still here and now and there is no turning back for me:
"Christ is enough for me,
Christ is enough for me,
Everything I need is in you,
Everything I need. I have decided to follow Jesus,
No turning back
No turning back..."-Christ is Enough for Me, Hillsong

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