Thursday, November 28, 2013

Sparks Fly

Its been more than just me who has said that since being in Washington sparks seem to fly with creativity! I've written a song that I hope to share soon as I am learning to play it on guitar (slowly, but surely). Some of you may know my passion for writing, I have written more than one poem and I really hope to have a story written, but its crazy the amount of time and effort we are preparing to get ready to leave, but I crave my time and space to write. Here's a poem that I'd like to share with you that I wrote for my dad for his birthday yesterday: 
Who is this man?
He is strong a mighty man of God and a tender father
He picks me up when I fall and shows me love most of all
He is called chosen and loved and called?
Called to what?
A deeper abiding a deeper rest in a heavenly Father who loves him most of all
Who is this man with a great smile, warm hugs and strong hands?
It starts with a D-E-A-.....
That's his name
But he's my Daddy:)
This is his life
Happy Birthday and many to come!

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