Thursday, November 28, 2013

Sparks Fly

Its been more than just me who has said that since being in Washington sparks seem to fly with creativity! I've written a song that I hope to share soon as I am learning to play it on guitar (slowly, but surely). Some of you may know my passion for writing, I have written more than one poem and I really hope to have a story written, but its crazy the amount of time and effort we are preparing to get ready to leave, but I crave my time and space to write. Here's a poem that I'd like to share with you that I wrote for my dad for his birthday yesterday: 
Who is this man?
He is strong a mighty man of God and a tender father
He picks me up when I fall and shows me love most of all
He is called chosen and loved and called?
Called to what?
A deeper abiding a deeper rest in a heavenly Father who loves him most of all
Who is this man with a great smile, warm hugs and strong hands?
It starts with a D-E-A-.....
That's his name
But he's my Daddy:)
This is his life
Happy Birthday and many to come!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Intercession is Crucial!

2 weeks left of classes after Thanksgiving break and then I leave Washington! This video will give you better insight into the work that I will be doing in Thailand. I am so excited for all that God has been doing in my life right here, right now and all that is to come in His future plans for me! Pray people. Intercession is crucial.

Friday, November 15, 2013


What does acceptance mean to you? Since being in Washington, God has taught me more of the meaning behind acceptance. Acceptance of who He has designed me to be, or acceptance of other people and how He's designed them. I've posted a few things on Facebook, asking for prayer requests about getting a cold, I'm  much better now and through being sick God taught me a deeper level of acceptance.
        I like to think of myself as an independent person. It was hard for me to let things go as I got more sick and I had to let other people do things for me. Towards the beginning of this past week God reminded me that it was my job to be outrageously loved, this is my first primary occupation in life and its yours too! He calls us the Beloved, because we were created to Be-Loved. Whether it was someone taking my dishes, lending me their hat to wear, giving me cough drops to suck on or a drink of vitamin C, I was touched by my family's kindness to me and through this process of getting better God taught me to be gracious, let go and receive with gratitude. 
         Thank you for your prayers! My prayer for you is that you may be able to grasp where you are His acceptance for you in how He designed you to be and that hopefully it won't take being sick for you to be able to let go and receive with gratitude!