Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Embracing the Chaos 101

Chaos=complete disorder and confusion. 

I'd like to give you a couple of scenarios that have happened to me as I've been in a in the meantime season. As many of you know, I have been preparing for the ACT test. I never took it my senior year, because besides being in full track season, I was also support raising and getting a job. So, back to the here and now. Everyday has been going back to the basics of broadening the horizons of my mind. Do you ever have those moments where you just need to freak out about something big that's going to happen and then after you freak out you feel a lot better? That's how I was yesterday on the way to the class I was taking to prepare for my ACT. I had crammed in all my English and Reading homework that afternoon thinking those were the two subjects I'd be covering that day. I arrived, breathing a bit better and ready to save the world. I sat with my math and reading teacher I confidently explained to him how well I had done with my English and Reading homework, because today is english and reading, right? Nope, he says. However, instead of covering the two pages of math homework that I hadn't done yet, we ended up covering Science, English and Reading. I'm so thankful and blessed by these teachers I've had and gotten to laugh with, while re-learning Math with. I'd never been so happy in my life to be told to just focus on my Math homework!

Second scenario, I am at work at Kids Stuff, at the YMCA. Its crazy in there. We have anywhere from about 15 kids at a time to 30 something. My favorite part of the shift, is when a child will ask me to read to him or her and then I have about 10 or more crowding around me trying to get a glimpse of the story I am telling. Although the room is loud and kids will sometimes walk around with their fingers in their ears because they can't stand the noise, its my pleasure to open up my arms and hold them on my lap reassuring them that this too will pass and how can I best take care of them and help them have the most fun in the meantime? I think this is a great picture of God's heart for us. When we are in the meantime and either having to embrace days of chaos with 4 hrs of study and 3 hours on the job. Will we embrace it and let the God of all comfort hold us and let Him take care of us? I love the picture of God holding me in His lap, because that is how I love to comfort the kids I am put in charge of. I heard this quote during my lecture phase of staffing a DTS, that I will never forget I hope you find comfort in this as you hear about how much God the Father longs to hold you: 

"He knows you by the perspective that you are the only one on earth. Your glowing and you don't even know it. Stop being so hard on yourself and be more curious about the Father."-Kenny Peavy, Holy Spirit. 

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