Friday, July 5, 2013

Livin' the Dream

You know the drill in a few minutes you will be leaving and you want to make sure that you have remembered everything on your packing list. No matter where you travel whether it is across the world, or just a few hours away to visit your grandparents you want to make sure that you've remembered everything. I got a second chance at this as my first flight to Chicago was cancelled and I got to go back home, double check and rest up before the next day when I would leave for this adventure. Was I disappointed about this cancellation? Of course, but it gave me perspective knowing that I would be in my destination in a couple of days and this simply meant more time with my family. 
        I fell in love with a country. I have always thought of myself as a born traveller, someone who loves trying new things, meeting new people and of course going to those far off places that we read about in story books. It's name was Doolin, Ireland. A small town filled with people who go out of their way to make sure you save extra on the sweater that you just bought, and the manager of the small cafe will come make sure that everything is just right for you. I loved waking up in the morning and seeing horses and rolling hills from the bed and breakfast that my Aunt and I stayed in. "Livin' the dream...livin' the dream," was a thought that occurred to me more that once while I stayed in that town and enjoyed my carrot cake in the small cafe, as well as on Sunday night in the pub engaging with the locals and being in awe of the musicians as they played with the type of songs that you would typically picture for classic Irish music-lots of jigs and songs of love.  
     Most of all I was amazed, not at the beauty which was breathtaking, but by the unpretentious, kindness of the people who lived there. I want to be known by my kindness. Even if these people didn't have a place for us to stay at their bed and breakfasts they would call a bed and breakfast so that we would have a place to stay.  Do you want to literally take people's breath away? Be kind. As the famous quote says, "be kind for everyone is fighting their own battle," (Plato).  This is how we can not just change the world,  but change people by our kindness. Starting today, "And to love without growing tired," as Mother Teresa says. It is also what Jesus calls us to do,  and most importantly what we are made for. It is our mission to start showing kindness today. To the people of Doolin, Ireland thank you for not only showing me the beauty of Ireland, but the beauty of your people. Thank you for having such a place as O'Conners pub that plays music every night as well as for the way that you make someone so far from home feel comfortable in your presence. I cherish the memories I've made here with my Aunt and hope to make more with all of you in the future. 

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