Friday, May 31, 2013

My Last Lap

Have you ever tried running? Not just from danger, I mean. I have run cross country all four years and track my freshman and senior year. One of the many things that I love about this sport is that, as selfish as this might sound, this whole running experience is all about you as an individual. It is up to you to decide how fast you are really going to run, whether it is around the track or up a hill, and the biggest aspect of this is your mind. Your mind is capable of telling you whether or not you should slow down as you run up the hill because you still have a mile to go before you cross the finish line and your mind will also tell you that you can do it as you know that you only have one lap left. As excited and thrilled as I am about being done with competitive running, I can choose now that tomorrow both during my race and throughout the day my mind can be sent on things above. "Set your mind on things above not on earthly things." Colossians 3:2. We can sent our minds on our current circumstances, our emotions, pain and hurt, or we can set our minds to focus on the truth of who we are, how we are made and in whose image we are made. When I have one lap left to run I am going to leave it all on the field and give it my best. What are you going to do with your last lap? 

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