Saturday, August 15, 2015


Its funny to me the different seasons of life, we find ourselves in. With only a 13 day countdown (not counting today), until I move into college, one of the biggest preparations on my mind, is my writing. I'll be taking a junior level class on, "Fiction Writing," for my English credit. I can't wait for this challenge, but during the next 13 days, even when it comes to messaging my friends, writing well and wanting to improve my writing, is on my mind. My favorite summer read, "The Wanderer," has different sections of the book, the first being, "Preparations," as they are fixing repairs on a boat that will take them from Connecticut to Europe, I can only imagine the amount of work that would take to prepare a boat for that much amount of time and travel! Having traveled across the world, I know what preparing for a long journey is like, but sometimes, the hardest part of preparing for the next chapter in my life, is the waiting that ties into it. C.S. Lewis sums it up well when he says, "Hardships often prepare ordinary people, for an extraordinary destiny." I'll never forget the friends who have sometimes without saying and other times said it word for word, looked me in the eye and said, "I believe in you and your destiny." I now know the belief and preparation that I cling to, knowing that I have an extraordinary destiny ahead of me, as do you, because everything that we are doing, is preparing us for something. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1, "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."