Thursday, July 16, 2015

We can Rejoice Too

"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance." -Romans 5:3, this verse makes me laugh when it comes to running. One of the biggest lessons I have learned as it comes to training for this 26.2 mile run is that besides the soreness of my knees or my legs wanting to cave in, the real issue so often is one of the brain. How we control our thoughts when we run, especially for me, when I would run just for fun before training for this marathon, there wouldn't be a single run for me where I did not put in my headphones and turn up my music loud to distract me from the physical challenge. Now, as I run I find my biggest problem to be paying attention. Paying attention, meaning that I want to know more what's going on when it comes to running every mile, refusing to put in those headphones to help my focus more on my form and knowing how I can improve, whether that's not crossing my arms in front of me or mentally getting into that rhythm of each step telling myself, "Light feet, light feet, here we go light feet..." I'm known for stomping when it comes to running on a treadmill or even on a gravel road and so keeping my feet light is something that helps me endure, when it comes to running and training for this race. Lastly, my biggest fear is letting fear define each run as I push to finish my training. I love that this verse says that we can rejoice too. My biggest goal in all this training is to have fun. I don't want to lose sight even on that 12 mile run without headphones in, of the truth that we can rejoice too. Thinking of the money I am raising and the children who will be receiving fresh water wells for the rest of their lives, is enough for me to find that joy again. So, what's the mental problem that you need to endure? Where is the trial that you can persevere through whether it's coming up with a rhythm of setting one foot in front of the other, or wanting to pay attention to what we also can rejoice in. Its up to you really. It can be as simple as deciding to give it your all during the last 10 minutes of your work shift, or finding joy in even the most challenging of whatever your facing. As I've already stated, the biggest lesson I am and still learning in all this training is that we can rejoice too. Finding the fun amidst the heat, the physical pain or not wanting to get up in the morning to run those three miles has been the most rewarding when I choose joy in the midst of wanting to give up, joy in the midst of wanting to stay in bed, joy knowing that with each $50 I raise I am able to save a life of someone who I will probably never get to meet, but who I will pray to have the joy of getting to spend eternity with. Where will you decide to choose joy?