Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Better Living

So, last weekend, I am at Better Living Through Coffee, I've ordered my usual sea salt carmel late and the guy making it says to me, "Amelia right? Open mic in the Boiler Room?" And I was just too stunned to speak! I didn't even remember seeing him, while I had been up there singing. He was dressed in all black, black hair everything, anywho, he turns to me after what he's just said and adds, "Beautiful voice!" And then hands me my late, that is shaped into a heart. I'm just so stunned that he knew my name and remembered my voice! All I had strength to say, was asking him if he'd played at open mic before and he explained that he'd used too, now he didn't have enough time, since working at Better Living Through Coffee. I was still so stunned to speak, that all I could reply was, "Well, you should just keep doing whatever you were doing before!" I wish I would've said more, but I was just still so shocked that he remembered my name and called my voice out as beautiful. It rocked me to my core, as God continues to break my heart into a million pieces, so I can be made whole with His heart becoming one with mine. I totally regretted getting that coffee and having to rush sipping on it, as I wanted to catch up with the others, but you know, I think God wanted to bless me and make me understand His heart with mine. God is stretching me, growing me, replacing my heart with His and His desires to become one with mine. He know's what He's up to.