Tuesday, September 30, 2014

In Awe

Its been on my mind lately, the concept of aweness at God. How we were created to not fully understand Him, but to kneel down on our knees in awe at Him and how He chooses to bless us! The past two Sundays, I've been going to this classy, relationship oriented Lutheran church, in Washington, instead of the one I'd been going to during my DTS last fall. I can't fully explain the feeling of stepping into this small, welcoming congregation, other than the truth that I really miss trembling before the Lord. I've missed the simple things, like lighting candles in the sanctuary and people getting dressed up for church. Not to say, we don't do any of that at the church I used to go to, or the one I attend back home. I just have this longing in my heart to embrace the mystery of God! So, with the decision to attend this Lutheran church in Washington, I so look forward to the lighting of candles, looking my best for the One who deserves my best and a longing being fulfilled that, I don't have to even try to understand God, because all He wants is to know me! He pursues us relentlessly, I am so grateful that I don't have to be perfect before Him, but I still want to give Him my best! In what ways is He challenging you to look for Him?

Friday, September 26, 2014

Blue Shadow

I am like a blue shadow
I will slowly fade away like everything else on this earth
But my friends there is so much life to be lived!
Let us not waste it
Hear the urges of your friends
Laugh while you can and cry when its needed
Meanwhile, my friends those loyal to my side
Stand with me now please?
Hold my hand and let us cry out to our God against the plagues of darkness that war against our souls
Its joy in the letting go
Purpose in the hands of our Maker
Giving thanks in all circumstances
Letting others see the real you, is perhaps the best battle to be fought
For it is in letting others in that true completion of identity is unmasked
The veil torn and loud shouts of joy lifted from the ones with sore hurts
So, though time might not heal all wounds there is weight lifted when we open our hands and with the reassurance that He is always there, let us let Him open the door to our hearts
It is there in the opening up to our true love that between the tears, joy and giving it all up for His name that the veil is lifted,
Give it up my friends, give it all up and get all in to the One who deserves our love the most. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Laid Down Lovers

It cracks me up everything about this place, from the obnoxious music playing in the back round, to how afraid I used to be to come in here and initiate conversation with people. One of my favorite songs that played at the DTS conference, I was at this past week had the lyrics, "We are Laid Down Lovers." I love that phrase and especially try to make it my prayer as I begin this next phase of my life at a leadership school and within the community of Port Townsend. 

This place is called the Boiler Room, and I've written about it before, a coffee shop that has become a safe haven to the homeless and troubled youth in this town. This is a weird place, not many are fond of, but its special in my heart, because this coffee shop is the first place I shared my testimony to someone I'd never met before. We are laid down lovers, my friends, and that is my focus as I begin this school, to not make excuses or let complaining and pride have its way on my tongue, but to lay my life down to love those who God has put in front of me. As I was taught at the conference this past week it is important, we let God have the priority in our hearts of our yes' and no's. It is both my prayer and challenge, that as I walk into coffee shops, sit and play my instrument and converse with those outside of my comfort zone, that a yes would always be on my lips for whatever God has put on my tongue to say to those whom I'm called to love. 
(Art drawn from the Boiler Room). 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

New Beginnings

Its amazing, when you know that you are in the right place at the right time. That's exactly how I feel as I begin this school year, starting my Basic Leadership School with YWAM (Youth With a Mission). Honestly, ever since I stepped foot back onto the Discovery Bay campus, I was overwhelmed with peace. The double blessing, is the fact that I've felt so much peace being here that I feel as though there is nothing I cannot do, or am not capable of! 5 immense blessings that I am especially grateful for upon my arrival are 1) Waking up in the mornings and enjoying it with old friends, while making new ones 2) The smell of the sea 3) How surprisingly warm the weather has been! 4) Meal times getting to meet new people who come to visit the base and are interested in doing a DTS (Discipleship Training School) 5) The confidence that I am constantly growing while I am here, both in who I am and at the same time learning new life skills. 

*God has put a few prayer requests on my heart that I'd ask you to lift up to Him.

-Tomorrow we leave for Redding California, for a DTS conference for us leaders. Please pray for safe travels and open hearts and minds to hear what God has to speak to us as leaders.

-More bedroom space for the boy staff.

-Deeper revelation on God's will and plan for my life. 

*Maybe God has put it on your heart to support me, financially, although most importantly I ask for the gift of prayer! If He has, you can message me on facebook or email me at pixiedust.milly@gmail.com for more information on how to support me, or if you are interested in doing a DTS with YWAM, it would be my pleasure to share my experience with you!